Sunday, May 4, 2014

Back on the Blog Wagon


If you have managed to find yourself in this little corner of the Internet, hello!  I am on a mission to revive this quiet blog, and start posting more about my classroom and teaching.

First things first, I am moving grades!  I have one more month in first grade and then, starting next fall, I will be teaching {THIRD GRADE!}  I am super excited to make this change and move on up to third.  I will start posting about getting ready to change grades, setting up my new classroom and all things THIRD.

Secondly, I had my babies!  I mentioned in a post last year that I was expecting a baby boy and a baby girl in November.  Well imagine the SHOCK when my twins arrived and they were TWO BOYS!  My doctor was just as surprised as we were.  I guess God wanted to give us a little twist.  Henry and Parker were born October 29, 2013.  We have been a family of four for six months now, and we are doing really great.  I knew life was going to get crazy when these guys arrived, and it definitely has!  But we love every moment of it.

{Parker, Henry}

So plan on some baby blogging going on occasionally here too!  And thanks for sticking with me as I get this little space back up and running.  I am excited to spend some more time and energy on blogging.   I hope you'll stick around!