We made it through the first week of school! School started on Wednesday for me, so we only had a three day week to start off with, but man it felt longer than that. There was a point during the afternoon on DAY ONE that I thought to myself, "holy cow, this is still just the first day!" It already felt like we had been there for longer and that I'd been with my kiddos forever. It's pretty crazy how quickly it already feels normal again, to just be at school with my new group of kids. I have an awesome class this year. For real. I do not know how I lucked out, but I love my mix this year. And having a three day weekend right off the back sure makes going back to school a little bit easier!
I am liking how my room has turned out and there are only a few things I am still adding and changing. It's not very official, but here are some pictures of my space.
Reading Library... I ditched one of the beanbags though, and moved the rug.
Whiteboard Wall... this was taken before our new tables arrived. Because they came like 3 days before school started. And they didn't even have legs when they first arrived! Oh and I did add the missing letters to the quote :)
And here they are! Whiteboard tables. The kids already LOVE writing on them, and I am stocking up on whiteboard cleaner.
Cabinet Wall, with sleeves to showoff student work
Looking back into the room
Supply Storage and my "Genius Bar" table, where I keep supplies and materials for the kiddos to use
My classroom door! We took photos on the first day and I let the kids use Instagram to pick which filter they liked. I got the pictures printed in 4x4 squares at Walgreens (30 cents a piece!) and can't wait to hang them up this week!
Library again
Class Jobs. I made magnets to show class numbers of who has what job each week.
Reading Strategy Posters
My desk. I have eliminated a lot of the clutter under the table!
How was your first week? I still need to blog about my Loft purchases.... they turned out pretty good!